Monday, January 30, 2023

5 Great Habits of Confidence | Life Coaching In Baton Rouge

How to Increase Confidence

Hi there! It’s LaWanda here,

Is a lack of confidence holding you captive? And you have no idea of how to become free? I feel your pain, I really do. And here are some answers to your problems.

Most chronic worriers become mired in their own thoughts and emotions of expecting bad things to happen. They become paralyzed with fear over possibilities of disaster which leads to being non-productive and disillusioned.

Everyone worries at some point in time, but many successful people have come through worrisome adversities and come through ahead of the game. Studies show that these people have certain techniques they use to restrain the worry by turning it into something positive and productive. Here are a few of the habits that confident people incorporate in their lives to lessen the impact of worry:

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Wednesday, January 11, 2023

6 Benefits of Living a Passionate and Purposeful Life



It high time that you stop settling for an ordinary life, you must create a life that is focused and purposeful if you desire to experience true living. Would you like to live a life that brings you joy, excitement and fulfilment? There are many benefits to discovering your main interest, passion or purpose in life. Don’t you want to live a life that’s extraordinary?





Better Health

It is worth remembering that you may want to plan in regular exercise, breaks, healthy meals and snacks as well as enough sleep. That way you will ensure that you reap the maximum benefit from your new purposeful lifestyle.


There are many benefits to creating and living a purpose driven life. Why not think about what you really want from life and go for it, so that you can discover them for yourself? And if you would like help in accomplishing your goals just click here for a free 30 minute strategy session.

Ten Tips to Improve Your Self-Esteem | Leadership & Executive Coach Training

The best way to improve your life and earn the respect of others is to improve your self-esteem. This is not a very difficult task. All that...